Begin Your Journey to a Better Quality of Life with Our Expertise in Weight Loss and Medical Weight Management in Farmington and Old Wethersfield, CT
Medical Weight Management Consultations are available in person at our two convenient weight management clinic locations in Hartford County, Connecticut, with our weight loss doctors. Consultations may also be done virtually to expedite the process of joining our weight management program.
Interested in Weigh Loss in Connecticut?
Contact Connecticut Facial Plastic Surgery to learn more about your options.
The Complexity of Weight Management
With approximately 80% of American adults meeting the criteria for being overweight or obese, weight loss and weight management are major topics of discussion and a regular point of focus for most of us. For decades, losing weight has been an increasingly important fact of life, and keeping it off once it’s gone is routinely problematic and frustrating.
The most successful programs over the years have focused on lifestyle changes, balancing calorie consumption with exercise, and have sought to find sustainable ways to incorporate both of these elements into everyday life. Now, with a better understanding of the biology that predisposes an individual to gain weight, and to have great difficulty losing it and keeping it off, medical professionals have embraced this as a legitimate medical condition/diagnosis, and after decades of hard work from some brilliant researchers around the world, we are fortunate to have a new appreciation of how to deal with these conditions.
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Embrace Holistic Weight Management
At Connecticut Facial Plastic Surgery, our Cleveland Clinic-trained physicians, each with over two decades of professional experience, have created Connecticut Medical Weight Management MD. Our priority is to help you reach your personal health and aesthetic goals, with wellness and weight management at the center of this holistic approach.
Start your Aesthetic Journey Today!
Ready to schedule a consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons? Click the link below to fill out your information and start for the next steps towards a new you!
Weight Loss MD Consultation: What To Expect
Achieve Desired Results With Our Weight Management Program
At Connecticut Weight Management MD, we offer 2 programs, and both are available as a 6-month renewable subscription. Once a patient has been medically cleared, they choose the program best suited for their needs.
1. Non-Coaching Program:
Our Non-Coaching Program provides the patient with regular physician oversight, a Bluetooth-enabled scale, a wellness journal, a container for sharps disposal, and guaranteed access to the GLP-1 of their choice (purchased separately). This six-month program renews automatically but may be canceled by the patient at any time prior to renewal.
2. Coaching Program:
Our Coaching Program provides all of the above; but includes more active interactions with our physicians throughout the process. This program is recommended for those who desire more regular feedback and advice, especially those seeking to maximize their results through better nutrition and fitness. We also focus on wellness and stress management. In this program, the end result is that, with the same medications, patients lose more weight and are better equipped to keep the weight off once they achieve their goals. This six- month program renews automatically, but may also be canceled by the patient at any time before the renewal.
Interested in Weigh Loss in Connecticut?
Contact Connecticut Facial Plastic Surgery to learn more about your options.
Ideal Candidate for Medical Weight Management
Our weight management program is ideal for anyone who is generally healthy but wants to stop being obese (BMI over 30) or overweight (BMI over 25). In addition, you may be a candidate if:
- You are not already underweight
- You want to improve your overall health and physique through supervised weight loss
Candidacy is determined on a case-by-case basis by our qualified and experienced weight loss doctors. Some patients are not candidates for our program, and that would include those who are pregnant, those who have uncontrolled diabetes or some related conditions, or those who have a family history of medullary thyroid cancer or MEN2 syndrome.
Our physicians will consult with every potential patient and complete a full medical history and family history, as well as order lab studies, to determine whether or not they qualify.
The Benefits of Choosing Us for Medical Weight Management
- Have undergone extensive training at an elite level and have decades of clinical experience.
- Have invested their time, energy, and resources to facilitate your personal success and provide you with the best possible patient experience.
- Provide only the highest quality medications from pharmacies with certificates of authenticity and the FDA’s designation to manufacture these medications for healthcare facilities.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Semaglutide is a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist (GLP-1RA). This means that it binds to receptors that the hormone GLP-1 would normally bind to, and this creates several effects. It decreases glucagon release while it increases insulin secretion and sensitivity, which lowers blood sugar and fat deposition. It also slows gastric (stomach) emptying and thus makes patients feel “full” faster and longer. This decreases the drive to eat, and in particular, the drive to consume fatty and obesogenic foods, resulting in reduced body weight. The brand name drugs Ozempic® and Wegovy® contain semaglutide, but they have been in shortage and are much more costly, so we are offering the same active ingredient, semaglutide, but in its generic form.
Tirzepatide is also a GLP-1RA, but it is also a Gastric Inhibitory Peptide (GIP), so it essentially binds even more receptors than semaglutide, and thus more potently suppresses appetite. Tirzepatide has gained fame under the brand names Mounjaro® and Zepbound®. Similar to semaglutide, we offer this in its generic form, which means that it is very effective, yet more obtainable and affordable.
This is potentially an unanswerable question, as individual patients may prefer either one. Semaglutide is less expensive and promotes significant weight loss (about 15% of body weight, on average) with minimal side effects. Tirzepatide costs a little bit more, but statistically may lead to even greater weight loss (almost 50% more than semaglutide on average) and have even fewer side effects. Individual patients have had great success using both of these medications, so when it comes to Semiglutide vs Tirzepatide it comes down to personal choice. Our doctors review this with each patient to help them make the right choice for them.
These medications are related to compounds that have been used safely for over 20 years. In their branded forms, they were patented in 2012 (Ozempic® ) and 2016 (Mounjaro® ). In various ways, GLP-1’s have been used to treat diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease, and are now commonly used for weight loss. Other indications are being studied and will likely be numerous. The FDA has ruled that certain compounding pharmacies can make exact replicas of the branded weight loss meditations due to the shortages that have been incurred. With so many potential patients to benefit from the medications, there is no way of knowing if or when these shortages will go away. We have joined a national network started by another Cleveland Clinic-trained surgeon so that we can guarantee our patients access to these medications, and so that we can guarantee that they are pure and genuine.
Both semaglutide and tirzepatide have been referred to as “the skinny shot,” as they are both administered as weekly shots, and both are effective parts of weight loss and weight maintenance regimens. We provide our patients with the information they need and demonstrate safe self-administration so they may use these medications in the comfort of their own homes, saving them weekly trips to the office.
Several studies have been done on each of these medications, and many more are underway. While individual results vary, patients on semaglutide average a weight loss of about 15%, while those on tirzepatide average nearly 21% of their body weight. Many factors contribute to these results, most notably where a patient starts, how long they stay on the medication, and how compliant they are with controlling external factors like activity/exercise and stress management/sleep. Patients being coached generally lose several percentage points more than those who are not. Importantly, both medications are extremely effective at curbing excessive food consumption, and this is a major factor in determining weight, so most patients do note meaningful improvement.
At Connecticut Medical Weight Management MD, we do not participate in any insurance programs. All subscription fees are paid by the patient directly, although, at the time of writing this, medical weight management does qualify for HSA usage as per IRS FAQ 9. Nationwide, insurance coverage has been a significant hurdle. These medications are very expensive in general, and insurances generally do not cover them for weight management, and when they do they only cover the brand name versions, which makes the situation even worse, given their scarcity and high cost. Given how many people would potentially use the medications, these companies have not provided universal coverage, or anything even close to it, at this point.
Once a patient has enrolled in one of our two programs, they can select their medication, which can be picked up in our office, or we will gladly ship it to your home (Connecticut addresses only). The actual price you pay will depend on which program you enter and which medication you select. The current fees are locked in when you subscribe for a renewable 6-month subscription, but may otherwise change at any time, based on the ongoing supply issues, so it is to your advantage to lock them in now. If you would like more information about current prices, please contact us through or call us at (860) 676-2473, and we will be happy to discuss your options and get you accurate costs. Our prices are available at a fraction of the cost of their brand-name counterparts, which are also not routinely available, and when they are, costs for those medications typically range between $1,000-$1,500 for a 28-day supply.
Fortunately, side effects are generally rare and mild, and it is unusual for a patient to need to stop their treatment due to adverse effects. When they do occur, the most common side effects are related to GI issues, which include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation and bloating.
In addition to promoting weight loss, GLP-1RAs have been found to have profound anti-inflammatory effects, they reduce cardiovascular and kidney disease, and they have shown promising effects on the neuroendocrine and central nervous systems, where they may help in the treatment of conditions like Parkinson’s Disease, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, and addictive behaviors.
Once a patient signs up for a program, we will require them to submit simple online responses about their weight and any adverse effects on a weekly to monthly basis so we can adjust dosages as needed or provide additional advice to improve outcomes. As physicians, we will ensure easy access to the medication and professional guidance throughout the process.
Most patients who get to this point in their weight management journey have experienced numerous wins and losses along the way. “Yo-yo” dieting, with weight loss followed by weight gain, is the norm when you follow non-sustainable fad diets or exercise regimens. Our goal is to provide our patients with the knowledge and the tools (in the form of these life-altering medications) to assure sustainable long-term success.
On an individual basis, that may mean continuing injections indefinitely at full dose, or tapering down dosage after goals are reached, or even coming off the medications completely if the right behavioral patterns have been developed, and if the patient tolerates coming off the medication while not gaining back weight. Because this is essentially a type of hormonal replacement therapy for people whose bodies aren’t producing enough naturally, which leads to overeating, many patients will have the best results if they maintain treatments, even if at a lower dose. In those cases, this is like thyroid replacement – you may be fine when you are on it, but once you come off it, your problems can resume. Like so many things in medicine, these hormonal deficiencies can now be maintained, but they may not necessarily be cured.